Understanding Bone Density: Factors that Impact Your Skeletal Health

Understanding Bone Density: Factors that Impact Your Skeletal Health

Fitness, age, nutrition, and genetics can all contribute to the gradual loss of bone density and overall skeletal health. Even more common with today’s sedentary lifestyles and nutrient-poor diets, our precious skeletal health is often neglected or ignored until a serious problem emerges. 

As the framework that supports and protects every part of our bodies, the sooner we take action to protect our skeletal health, the better. As we age and become less active, bone density loss does accelerate, but, there are still proven ways we can slow, prevent, and even reverse many of the issues associated with reduced bone density and strength. 

Before diving into the best ways to protect your skeletal health, take a few moments to learn more about bone density and why our bones should remain a lifelong priority. 

What is Bone Density? 

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a measure of the minerals contained in a specific volume of bone. Key minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are evaluated to identify a bone's overall structural strength. If mineral density is too low, bones become frail and are prone to breakage.

In average individuals, bone density peaks around age 25, and begins to steadily decline after age 35. At a rate of about .3 to .5% BMD reduction each year, our risk for fractures and conditions such as osteoporosis gradually increases. Despite this inevitability, we are not defenseless in the fight against frail bones and other bone-related concerns! 

The Importance of Prioritizing Skeletal Health

As the invaluable scaffolding that supports everything we do, it should be a no-brainer that skeletal health matters. But, out of sight, out of mind. Most people never think about their skeletal systems until they experience a broken bone or an unexpected osteopenia diagnosis.

Instead of waiting until an avoidable skeletal problem emerges, a proactive plan and conscious effort can prepare your skeletal system for long-term wellness. The sooner you start prioritizing your bone strength, the more likely you are to avoid:

  • Posture Problems

  • Painful Broken Bones

  • Joint & Mobility Limitations

  • The Need for Mobility Devices

  • Braces & Prosthetics

  • & Many Other Limiting Risks.

Proven Strategies to Prevent Bone Density Loss & Maintain Healthy Bones

Fortunately, making bone-healthy lifestyle changes isn’t complicated! Starting with diet, foods rich in calcium and vitamin D contribute to sustaining and reinforcing your bones’ vital mineral stores. Dairy products, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, eggs, whole grains, fish, and beans are easily incorporated into your better-bone nutritional plan.

As far as habits to avoid, if you smoke or drink, do your best to reduce or remove these habits from your routine. These substances can reduce healthy tissue oxygenation and limit nutrient uptake, resulting in accelerated bone density loss. Another problematic bone-density habit is excessive coffee consumption; too much caffeine can limit calcium absorption and reduce the amount of calcium circulating in your blood, ultimately leading to additional bone loss. 

In addition to healthy dieting and lifestyle habits, intentional exercise is key for optimal bone health. Our team at Osteostrong is devoted to helping clients improve bone density in Cherry Hill, NJ with the proven benefits of Osteogenic Loading. Unlike traditional exercise that doesn’t provide a sufficient load to maximize bone growth, our targeted approach to osteogenic loading is the most effective way to build new bone. 

Even more effective than heavy-load weight training, Osteogenic Loading is proven to boost bone strength and fortify bone density with quick, painless, and sweat-free sessions that only take 10 minutes each week. 

Start Building a Stronger & Healthier Skeletal System Today

Whether your bone concerns stem from poor nutrition, genetic factors, or lack of exercise, it’s never too late to start rebuilding optimal bone health. To learn more about our proven approach to stronger and healthier bones, reach out to our pros at Osteostrong for helpful recommendations today! 


Building Strong Bones for Life: The Importance of Musculoskeletal Health as We Age