Echolight Scan in Delaware County, PA

How Does an Echolight Scan Work?
Our Echolight scan near Philadelphia uses radiofrequency and ultrasound signals to provide detailed bone density and quality information. The Echolight transducer emits signals into the bone tissue, and depending on the density and structure, a unique bone integrity profile is produced.
Thanks to the sophisticated analysis of raw, unfiltered ultrasound signals, Echolight REMS allows for real-time visualization of complex structures within the bone. Unlike X-rays, which are prone to imaging distortions and false artifacts due to patient movement or anatomical abnormalities, Echolight REMS can detect the smallest discrepancies within the bone tissue. As a result, our advanced bone scans near Delaware County, PA, reduce diagnostic errors, provide a better data basis, and ultimately pave the way to a more appropriate osteoporosis treatment or prevention plan.
After the detailed data is reflected back into the transducer, the onboard computer system then analyzes the data and produces a detailed bone health report. This valuable information can then be used to guide a bone-strengthening plan and other relevant bone improvement strategies.
R.E.M.S. vs DEXA - Learn the Difference
Unlike DEXA technology, Echolight doesn’t use ionizing radiation (X-rays) to analyze bone density. Another issue with DEXA scans is the significant error rate associated with the completion and interpretation of the scan. REMS analyzes raw unfiltered ultrasound signals, recognizing even the smallest bone tissue details.
A wise decision for bone health awareness and radiation-free osteoporosis testing, our Echolight scans near Delaware County, PA, provide the framework for an optimal bone health plan. Appropriate for preventative evaluation and condition tracking, our cost-effective bone scans are accessible, safe for any gender, and only take minutes to perform. Although technically safe for all ages, Echolight scans cannot be performed on individuals under the age of 21 at this time. Wherever you are on the road to healthier bones and an active lifestyle, an Echolight scan is a wonderful investment in the long-term well-being of your skeletal health!
The Benefits of an Echolight Scan
In harmony with improved bone density and structural imaging, our advanced Echolight technology near Delaware County, PA, is the clear winner in several other categories of bone health diagnosis. Learn more about your bone health, gain an accurate t-score/z-score in minutes, and support your well-being with other key Echolight REMS advantages, such as:
Pain-free: Echolight REMS is a non-invasive, gentle procedure performed along the skin's surface.
Easy to perform: There are no complicated preparation requirements or procedure steps; completing the entire bone scan only takes minutes!
Affordable and accessible: By offering complete bone scanning services at OsteoStrong, we can lower costs for accurate bone testing whenever you need an updated t-score or z-score or want to learn more about your skeletal health.
Safe for any age and gender: Designed for preventative insight and informed condition management, our simple bone test makes it easy to stay a step ahead of bone problems as you age.
Radiation-free scanning is the better solution: The accuracy and safety of Echolight REMS have eliminated the need for frequent and harmful X-rays. This is especially beneficial if you need frequent fracture risk assessments while managing an osteopenia or osteoporosis diagnosis. Individuals such as pregnant women and anyone hoping to minimize their radiation exposure for preventative bone health services can benefit from Echolight REMS scanning in Delaware County, PA.
What Does an Echolight Scan Test For?
Our Echolight REMS bone scanning technology tests for bone mineral density (BMD) and can detect structural abnormalities. By visualizing and evaluating key bone structures, such as the femoral head and lumber vertebrae, Echolight REMS can provide hyper-accurate fragility scores, such as t-scores and z-scores, by comparing your objective bone data with average density levels of adults within your gender and age range.
By producing an accurate, real-time image of both bone mineral density and the structure, an Echolight scan provides a crystal-clear overview of bone health. And, thanks to the precision of this proprietary ultrasound/radiofrequency technology, Echolight can generate ultra-vivid multi-dimensional images that are impossible to replicate with X-ray. This clarity results in fewer diagnostic errors and ease of developing a proactive bone health plan that accurately addresses your underlying bone health needs.
Learn More About Safe & Accurate Bone Testing near Delaware County, PA
Our caring bone health experts are your all-in-one resource for accurate bone testing and follow-up training services to help you reclaim a stronger and healthier musculoskeletal foundation. To learn more about our comprehensive testing services and evidence-based bone-strengthening program, get in touch with our pros at OsteoStrong and discover how we can help you thrive.