Move Your Way to a Stronger Musculoskeletal System

Move Your Way to a Stronger Musculoskeletal System

Searching for a better way to prevent and overcome musculoskeletal weakness, fracture risks, and other problems caused by conditions like osteoporosis? Even doctors and physical therapists often only recommend diet and exercise to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system. While it’s undeniable that these recommendations do help to delay and prevent many musculoskeletal issues, these basic self-care habits are not always enough. 

When planning a healthy musculoskeletal maintenance or improvement plan, it’s essential to consider adjunctive options that contribute to long-term resilience and mobility. While a nutritious diet, plenty of water, and other healthy habits like daily walking will always be an important part of the equation, our osteoporosis treatment near Voorhees, NJ is redefining the way we achieve sustainable musculoskeletal wellness. 

Using a revolutionary bone strength training protocol, our science-based musculoskeletal treatments are proven to: 

  • Stimulate new bone growth

  • Improve balance and posture

  • Enhance muscular development

  • Minimize risks such as fractures

  • Protect joints with our low-impact processes

  • & More

Why Everyone Should Prioritize Musculoskeletal Wellness Early in Life

Your average cardio and weight lifting exercise plan primarily supports the cardiovascular system and muscular tissues, while only marginally supporting the skeletal structures. Why does this matter? Well, to stimulate sufficient bone growth and offset the gradual loss of bone density as we age, impact force is required. 

When the body is exposed to an impact force, the body’s natural response is to generate new bone tissue. This rise in density protects the system from breaks and other risks that occur when density levels are too low. Unfortunately, your average exercise routine does not provide enough impact force to stimulate a sufficient bone growth response. As a result, we continue to lose bone density and strength year after year. 

Instead of waiting for our bones to become weak and brittle, our targeted treatment plans are engineered to improve bone density and strength on a cellular level. Our robotic musculoskeletal devices utilize the power of axial compression force to introduce significant loading forces that are impossible to achieve with daily activity. And, these significant impact forces are achieved without pain! 

How Our Evidence-Based Bone Strength Treatments Work

Starting with an informative assessment process, we’ll help you identify your target goals and outline how our osteogenic program can help. We evaluate bone density and overall fitness, and help you navigate any other questions or concerns you may have. After organizing your step-by-step bone health plan, the beneficial sessions can begin! 

Under the supervision of our osteoporosis prevention experts in Cherry Hill, NJ, each weekly and sweat-free session only takes about 10 minutes. We guide you through a series of targeted treatment devices, each of which provides support for various sections of the body. From your ankles and hips to your elbows, neck, and shoulders, our systematic approach provides tangible benefits for the entire body in minutes. 

As we progress through your treatment plan, we can also assist with other realms of mobility and pain relief. Beyond the osteogenic loading modalities we offer, our professionals at OsteoStrong offer modern and non-invasive solutions such as: 

  • Compression therapy

  • Biocharger services

  • Vibration plate sessions

  • Red light therapy

  • & Other custom wellness solutions

Our professionals care about big-picture wellness. When you arrive at OsteoStrong, expect to be met with factual guidance, friendly attitudes, and a willingness to help in any way that we can. Beyond the basics of improved bone health, our evidence-based techniques are designed to enrich your quality of life on a deeper level. 

If you’re ready to recover musculoskeletal strength and stability while maximizing your body’s potential, we would love to teach you more. And, if you‘re interested in any of the above, we encourage you to give us a call for a free first session today! 


OsteoStrong: A Game-Changer for Musculoskeletal Health


The Science of Musculoskeletal Strengthening: How OsteoStrong Can Improve Bone Density